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Applied Communication Studies


The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) is the world’s largest professional organization in the field of public relations. The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) is its affiliate pre-professional organization for college students interested in public relations. PRSA and PRSSA advocate for a greater understanding and adoption of public relations practices and services as well as for ethical principles of public relations, and promote professional development and diversity. The two organizations also keep professionals and students informed about the latest industry news, trends, and job opportunities.

The SIUE Chapter of PRSSA is sponsored by the St. Louis Chapter of PRSA and focuses on enhancing the education of members by creating opportunities for networking within the industry. Chapter members are involved in activities and projects which provide them with opportunities to advance and practice their public relations knowledge and skills and thus build their resume and increase their employability in the public relations professions. Activities and projects include: fundraisers; organizations of roundtables, guest speaker events, socials, and other special events; agency tours; participation in professional development opportunities offered by the St. Louis Chapter of PRSSA as well as by the national PRSSA organization.

Become a Member

Nationwide, there are more than 10,000 students in over 300 chapters taking advantage of the benefits of being a PRSSA member. In addition to advancing the field of public relations while building strong bonds with like-minded students, PRSSA members have access to a variety of opportunities for growth:

  • network with industry professionals
  • practicing leadership skills
  • being the first to hear about internship opportunities
  • gaining hands-on experience through workshops and the PRSSA blog

In addition to development opportunities during college, PRSSA membership also helps you get ahead after graduation in an industry that was recently listed among the 50 Best Careers by US News and World Reports.

Contact us or attend the next chapter meeting for more information on becoming a member.


The SIUE Chapter of PRSSA elects its officers in March of each year for the next academic year. The following is the 2022-2023 Executive Board of the SIUE Chapter of PRSSA:


 Laura Brown 

Vice President:

 Shantavia Berry


 Aisha Dinceroglu


 Sharnae Collins

PR Director:


 contact President Laura Brown
 for more information


The SIUE Chapter of PRSSA benefits from the experience of dedicated advisers. The chapter has two academic advisers and a professional adviser, as follows:

Academic Advisers

Stephanie Batson
Department of Applied Communication Studies, SIUE

Dr. Alicia Alexander
Department of Applied Communication Studies, SIUE

Professional Adviser

Ashley Chitwood, Specialist
Marketing and Communications, SIUE


The SIUE PRSSA chapter meets twice per month during the fall and spring semesters. 
Stay up-to-date with upcoming meetings, announcements, and membership activities by registering with the organization on Get Involved.

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