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Applied Communication Studies


The Department of Applied Communication Studies offers a program leading to a Master of Arts degree. Specializations within the program include interpersonal communication, organizational communication, health communication, and public relations.

The goals of the graduate program in Applied Communication Studies are to deepen students’ understanding of communication theory and to prepare them to analyze, generate, and put into practice communication research. Students are encouraged to clarify and focus their professional goals and are then assisted in selecting and pursuing courses in applied communication areas that will complement those goals.

The graduate program in Applied Communication Studies offers opportunities for both research and practice of applied communication principles and strategies. The specializations of the graduate program prepares students for careers in either applied communication education (at community college level) or in for-profit, non-profit, and governmental organizations. Mastery of communication theory, research methods, and application strategies is particularly relevant for those seeking careers in fields such as management, sales, advertising, public relations, training, consulting, intra-and inter-organizational communication, human resources, public and community health, and government service.

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