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Applied Communication Studies

Prepare for Your Visit

The resources on this page will help you prepare for your appointment with the Applied Communication Studies Skill Center (ACSSC) and will help you find information as you build your speech.

Things to Bring to Your Appointment

  • Syllabus, Rubric, or Assignment instructions
  • Notes, speech outline, or rough draft of presentation
  • Visual Aids (PowerPoint, Video/Audio Clips, Poster, etc.)
  • Class textbook (especially if you are doing a chapter outline presentation)
  • Any other materials that you will be using in your presentation (like handouts)
  • If you come without any of these materials, you may be asked to reschedule.

Applied Communication Studies Skill Center Center (ACSSC) Resources

Style Guides

APA Style Guide - The Owl at Purdue College APA style guide
MLA Style Guide - The Owl at Purdue College MLA style guide

SIUE Resources

Additional Resources

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